A Summer at JAM: Sending off Our Intern Amanda

After a successful summer, we’re sending off our intern Amanda back to college and with a fresh set of skills.

Amanda came in wanting to learn more about digital marketing and left with an entire summer of experiences with social media, marketing and even advertising under her belt.



Sending our intern back to college! 📚 Congrats on a successful summer, Amanda!

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Within the first few days, Amanda became HubSpot certified and quickly became a trusted member of our digital marketing team. She gained exposure to multiple platforms, custom CMS systems and behind the scenes access to our content development processes to provide a fresh set of eyes on our various client projects.


Not only did Amanda write creative blog content for a few of our clients -- she also created, planned, and executed a summer content marketing campaign on Facebook and Instagram for one of our advertising clients.

We also redesigned our JAM website this summer which led to hands on training for Amanda with multiple Adobe programs to provide imagery and downloadable content for us along with premium content for our clients.

It was a pleasure to have you as part of our team this summer, Amanda!



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