Local Service Check-Ins Are Increasing Ranking By Leaps and Bounds!

Local service companies have a MAP ranking.  We have something new that will get you more leads from more locations!

It's not fair, you do great work in all these different towns and you can only rank for the town your office is in.  Well we have discovered 'check-ins' that help with JUST THAT!

Checkin-final  In the past, we used to display all the zip codes and towns that we serve on our website's homepage. This was crucial for Google to rank our site pages. However, times have changed, and now Google relies on its map feature to determine rankings. Google will only rank businesses that have a physical office or location in the area they serve.

To expand your service area and demonstrate the breadth of your work to Google, service check-ins are an incredible tool! Let me share our secret sauce for achieving optimal local ranking!

It's quite simple – service technicians can use our app on their phones. Once they reach the job location, they can check-in, take a photo, provide a quick description, and even enter the customer's email for a review. By doing this, you'll be leaps and bounds ahead of your competition in terms of SEO.

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  • Checkins - this particular company has checked in 255 times!
  • Photos - We have 212 photos of various generators, service jobs, installs, etc.
  • Videos - Videos would be great, but not always necessary
  • Cities - This company has worked in 67 different cities/towns and Google now knows this because this app has placed a pin in each location.
  • Review Requests - have you ever seen more than 20 review requests in a month?  This app makes it super easy!
  • Completed Reviews - okay so not everyone will do it... but we ask.
  • Review Conversion - let's try to make this better, more than 50% is great!
  • Average rating - we're only asking for reviews from the customers we know are happy.  Because the service technician is there, reading the customer and doing great work!

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Supercharged location page will automatically be generated!

This page is what ranks!  The photo/video, the description, the technician, the activity date, and of course, the location.

Although it's only a small part of the bigger picture, it's still very powerful and can help tremendously!  Book a meeting with me ahead of time and I'll do some preliminary research on where you stand and where we can improve!

For more information about our Local SEO services for small service companies, click this link below.

Local SEO Services

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