Myth: Clients do not need to collaborate with their marketing agency.
It’s crucial that the client and agency both have an involved working relationship to roll out a solid social media strategy. Here are three homework tips clients should keep in mind when working with a digital marketing agency.
Assign an internal staff member who will be responsible for all
An effective social media strategy will not run out of content and an agency requires marketing collateral to kick it off. The easiest way is to share content is in bulk and at least 30-90 days worth of posting material. This way you don’t have to constantly worry about sending over visuals!
Does creating content sound overwhelming? Our inbound marketing team are experts in this field who creatively strategize in social media. Anyone can take a photo and post it. Nowadays, users want a complete digital marketing experience and require deep efforts to execute effective social media content.
Contact us so we can help drive your social media strategy to new levels.